Insurance for

Auto Services & Repairs

Provides essential financial protection against liabilities, property damage, and unforeseen events, safeguarding the business’s assets and operations.

Business Insurance for Auto Services and Repair

Why do

Auto Services & Repairs Need Insurance?

Insurance is a fundamental component of risk management for auto service and repair businesses. It protects against a wide range of potential risks, helps ensure legal compliance and provides financial security in case of unforeseen events or accidents.

Cover Types for

Auto Services & Repairs

These insurance types help auto service and repair businesses manage risks, protect assets, and maintain financial stability in the face of unexpected events.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Covers claims of negligence or errors in professional advice or services, such as incorrect repairs or installation of faulty parts.

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Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance

Provides financial support to cover ongoing expenses and lost income if operations are disrupted by an insured event, such as a fire or storm.

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Business Property Insurance

Protects the physical assets on the business premises, including buildings and contents, from risks like fire, theft, or natural disasters.

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Product Liability Insurance

Product Liability Insurance

Provides coverage for claims related to defective parts or services that lead to injuries or property damage.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Required if the business employs staff, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs for workplace injuries.

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Garage Keepers Liability Insurance

Protects vehicles in your care, custody, or control from risks like fire, theft, vandalism, or accidental damage.

Equipment Insurance

Covers essential tools and machinery against theft, loss, or damage, ensuring the business can continue operations.

Scenarios where

Auto Services & Repairs Need Insurance

Picture a situation in which a mechanic is diligently working on a customer’s vehicle, and unfortunately, an inadvertent mistake leads to substantial damage to the car. In such a case, the customer may rightfully seek compensation for the repair costs incurred. Without the necessary insurance coverage, like garagekeepers insurance, the responsibility for covering these unexpected expenses would fall squarely on the shoulders of the repair shop.

In an auto repair shop, workers are often exposed to various hazards, such as heavy machinery, sharp tools, and potentially toxic chemicals. If an employee gets injured on the job, workers’ compensation insurance is crucial. This coverage would help pay for the injured employee’s medical expenses and provide wage replacement during their recovery.

A fire breaks out in the diesel mechanic workshop, damaging the building, equipment, and customer vehicles inside. Without business property insurance, the shop owner would have to bear the substantial costs of repairing or replacing the damaged property and vehicles. Property insurance would help cover these costs, allowing the business to recover and continue operations.

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